Thursday, 6 January 2011

Hypnotherapy - searching for the cause

There are so many things we do to mask the cause or to put a sticky plaster over our problems. We keep busy, we ignore uncomfortable feelings, we try not to cry, we move away etc. But things don't change. Problems don't magically go away. Why is it that you try every diet under the sun and never lose weight? Why have you suddenly developed Asthma even though you've had 50 years without it? Why can't you be fully open with your partner about your sexual desires? Why can't you ever get the confidence up to change?

Maybe its even less obvious what it is that is wrong - maybe life should be perfect but something is never quite right or you still aren't happy but can't say why.

Hypnotherapy works by helping you to uncover the reasons behind your issues. It helps you to release any emotion that your subconscious has hidden away. By having the emotional release you are allowing yourself to let go and move on from events big and small that have contributed to your unhappiness.

During regression work - otherwise known as free association, the client is freely able to move from memory to memory. Some of which will have no significance but is helping guide the client in the right direction. Others will be very significant but you may not instantly realise it. Some significant memories will seem small to your adult self (such as walking in on your parents naked) and others will be huge and highly emotionally charged.

The aim of free association is to uncover the Initial Sensitizing Event (ISE) and allow emotional release. This may be anger, sadness, jealousy, love, fear etc. Quite often, the ISE is emotionally significant but the behavioural pattern being followed in adult life does not establish itself until a Secondary Sensitizing Event (SSE) occurs - thus triggering the symptom patterns. For example an ISE might be a memory of a parent hitting you - traumatic at the time especially as you can't understand why. An SSE might be a time when your parent calls you stupid and smacks you. Although not as upsetting, it triggers the emotions and feelings of being stupid and deserving to be hit. As an adult you may find yourself falling into abusive relationships or shying away from getting close to people. You may find that you always feel you deserve punishment no matter how small a mistake you make.

Another example that is quite common is weight gain. An ISE may be the first time you were told that you had to eat all the food on your plate to be good and strong. An SSE (of which there can be multiple examples) might be another time you were told off for not finishing your plate of food or not being allowed dessert. Thus instilling in you the belief that if you do not eat what is on your plate you are not a good person. 

Another weight related example I see often is the consulting room is faulty learning where a person has been told by their family froma  young age that they will always be fat and overweight, that it is genetic and they will always struggle to lose weight. I can tell you now - this is NOT TRUE.

When we are children we are constantly learning, constantly absorbing information as we discover the world we live in and how to interact with those around us. Some of the time we have mistakes in our interpretation and understanding of events. So if you as an adult can learn what those errors were, you can relearn and correct faulty beliefs at the subconscious level. 

By working through these memories and relearning these lessons, my clients go on to successfully change themselves and their lives. Their self esteem increases and they achieve what they wanted to achieve.

For more information or for a free consultation contact