Thursday, 9 December 2010

Currency Trading and Hypnotherapy


I thought I would blog about hypnotherapy and its use for currency traders. It is not a comprehensive write up but a brief insight that will hopefully prove informative and interesting.

Currency trading is very much like gambling. You trade a certain amount based on market trends and analysis and whilst you aim for growth, there is very often loss. So how can hypnotherapy help? Every trader will experience a loss - fact. How the trader reacts to this loss depends very much on his state of mind. Many traders go on to experience a deterioration in attitude. Some have not quite accepted the risk of loss and so it hits them hard. They blame the market, not themselves. The loss causes emotional pain. Some traders get angry, some traders get thoughtful, others let it affect their self esteem. This emotional pain then influences thier ability to trade appropriately. Many will stop trading for a few days, others will try breaking away from their strategy in a desperate attempt for a quick win. Inevitably, this leads to loss. This leads to more negative emotional reactions and it can spiral very quickly into a bad pathway for the trader.

Hypnotherapy can help the trader. Firstly, through the use of regression, the trader can understand their reactions to a loss. Logically it should be similar to a win, the inevitable becuase traders have to win and have to lose. But its not always so easy for some traders and the pleasure to pain reaction experienced will be based on and reasonate with pleasure pain experiences in their part. By enabling them to deal with this, they can start changing the way they react emotionally to a loss.

Hypnotherapy can also help becuase it can increase focus and attention, enabling the trader to stick to their strategy rather than deviate, to pull out at an appropriate time when the market is heading towards a loss, and to keep in the trade for a good enough time to make a better win. Many traders are 6 or 7 pips up when they leave a trade, they see it soars to 20 pips and then feel bad about themselves for not staying in the trade.

Hypnotherapy cannot influence when you win and when you lose, it cannot dictate how much money you can gain, but it can help you believe in yourself, maintain focus and self control, and it can help you understand your reactions and change your behaviours.

Exhulation at winning can lead to a boom bust style of working - this is not succesful becuase you are up and then you take too many risks and read the signs wrong. Why? Becuase you are so busy looking for positive signs that you ignore the negative signs?

To learn more about this contact

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