Have you ever found yourself torn when having to make a decision? Do you ever sit and have a debate in your head about the right course of action? Ever made a decision and felt uneasy but not sure why? Keep trying but never quite succeed?
A part (or Ego state) is the name given to an element of our personality. We are made up of many different personality elements (both psychological and physical). Most of the time your parts are integrated and all work in harmony to allow you to function happily in every day life.
Sometimes, those parts can become conflicted or fragmented and cause us internal conflict. This can be from the very simple decisions such as whether to buy those new shoes even when you can’t really afford them, to the more complex issues such as wanting to lose weight but never sticking to the diet - “A part of me wants to lose weight but a part of me is not willing to give up the chocolate”.
Parts therapy is used when there is some form of internal conflict whether known or not by the client. The therapist will communicate with each part involved to establish the reason for the conflict and to help find a resolution that each part is comfortable with. There may only be two parts involved or there may be twelve.
Parts therapy can also be used when working with clients who have an illness. For example, I worked with a client with ME and we used parts therapy to talk to the ME to understand why the illness was present. The client found the session enlightening and it enabled us to go on to work together to resolve the clients underlying emotional issues that they were previously unaware of.
In summary, parts therapy is useful in resolving internal conflict, allowing and facilitating emotional release and helping the subconscious to understand previous false beliefs and create positive change.
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