Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Weight Loss and Hypnotherapy

Do you want or need to lose weight? Do you want to lose it permanently, safely and without having to ‘go on a diet’? Do you want a weight reduction tool that you can use forever, is proven and does not require diet pills?
Hypnotherapy for weight loss is incredibly powerful. Why? Hypnotherapy works directly with your subconscious to create positive change and permanent change so that you can lose at least 1lb a week if not more, sensibly and easily.
 Here are a few tips from me on successful, permanent and easy weight loss:
  • 1.        Change your language – Use weight reduction rather than weight loss. Our minds perceive a loss as something negative and so will work against you. To quote Devin Hastings “Words carry weight to you and from you”.
  • 2.       Make a simple change – cut out 1/6 of your meal and throw it straight in the bid – you won’t miss it and eventually you will have better portion control
  • 3.       Exercise – most people hate that word. But why not try something that is realistic for you. Start by taking a 10 minute walk before dinner. Time it – 5 minutes away from your house and 5 minutes back. After a week, increase it to 10 minutes each way. Build up slowly and that way you will stick with it forever.
  • 4.       Cut 50 calories a day – that isn’t much!
  • 5.       If you like your ‘naughty’ foods try scheduling when you have them so once a fortnight have a day where you can eat whatever you want. The rest of the time, stick to eating what’s good for you.
I undertook a training course in hypnotherapy and weight loss so I have a number of tools and techniques to help you not only reduce weight safely and permanently, but also help you resolve any food issues you have.
For more information, email me Catherine@surelifehypnotherapy.co.uk

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